When Should You Buy or Sell in San Antonio?

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Throughout the year, many people ask me, "When is the best time to buy or sell a home?" As I talk with people in the area, I've found that most of them think houses sell well in April, May, June, and July, but not during the rest of the year.

However, when I actually tracked the number of homes listed on the market and the number of homes sold each month, the market looks quite a bit different. At any point in the year, 18% to 20% of the homes available on the San Antonio market are actually selling. That's not a wide deviation. Contrary to popular belief, homes sell every month of the year here.

Now, 700 more homes sold in June than sold in January, but there were also 2,000 more houses for sale in June! Sellers have less competition in the fall and winter than they do in the spring and summer. In fact, buyers are a lot more serious in the fall and winter. In spring, people just look at houses because maybe someday they want to buy one. In the fall and winter, buyers are looking for a place to live now.

As far as my own team goes, we have a policy that people cannot have extra time off during May, June, and December because so many houses sell in those months. Around Thanksgiving, people get nostalgic. They want to own a home of their own for their families, so they go out and get one!

If you're hesitant about selling during the holiday season, remember that the seller has the freedom to restrict showings. If your family is coming in town for the holidays, you can absolutely suspend showings until everything has settled down again.

Another thing for sellers to keep in mind is that January is one of the highest relocation and transfer months for the military during the year. You can't catch those buyers if you are not on the market. Waiting for spring or summer to list your home means missing out on this pocket of very motivated buyers.

One final thing to consider is that while there are fewer showings in the fall and winter, the showings you do have will give serious prospects a chance to see your home. You can sell your home in the winter, and then find your next home in the spring, when you have more homes to choose from.

That said, ultimately, the best time to buy or sell is whenever it is the best time for you. If you have any questions, give us a call or send us an email. My team and I would be happy to help you!

Our Top 6 Upgrades to Transform Your San Antonio Home

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Lots of people tell me that it's not the time for them to buy or sell a home, but they just get tired of their current home. Here are six ways to upgrade your home right now.

The first way to spruce up your home is to declutter. We accumulate so many things; every surface of your house is probably covered with things you don't have time to put away, and you're probably done with all of it. Take the time to get rid of the things that you're not really fond of.

The second thing is to clean. There's nothing like a good spring cleaning in the middle of the fall, especially if you didn't have time for it in the spring. Clean out everything. Nothing feels better than a good clean house. If you don't have time to do that, treat yourself and hire someone to do it for you. You will feel so much better when you come home.

Add or rearrange lighting fixtures. Sometimes, the way the lights were installed when the house was built just doesn't work for you. Save up a little money and move some of those lights around. You could also upgrade the light fixtures. A lot of older homes have silver light fixtures. Upgrading to brushed bronze can make your home feel more modern.

While you're at it, go ahead and upgrade the home's hardware. That includes the hardware on the doors as well as sink and plumbing fixtures. Get them all to match and it will look like you have a new home.

Another thing you can do is repaint. Gray paint is a big trend lately. If you don't want to change your flooring and your flooring is tan, keep tan or taupe walls. That with white trim will make your house feel fresh and new.

Focus on decor. You can find so many good things to put on your wall and make your home seem more modern.

Those are our top six upgrades, but we'll throw a seventh one in for free: fresh flowers. Having a vase with fresh cut flowers always makes a house look good. You even feel better with flowers in the house. Your guests might think you did it for them, but it's actually a good thing to do for yourself.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. I would be happy to help you!

Get the Most Showings for Your Home

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Today, we'll discuss how to get the most showings possible. Sometimes, sellers sabotage their own listing by not providing easy access for agents to show the property. There are three different types of showings:
  • Go-and-show - This is usually for vacant properties.
  • Courtesy call - This showing is used when the owners still live in the home.
  • Appointment - This is also an option for owner-occupied homes.
Most agents will schedule a buyer appointment for a certain timeframe, say between 1:00 and 3:00. The rest of their day is usually dedicated to other aspects of the real estate business. If you say no, then they will probably skip your house. Also, if the agent gives you a specific timeframe, they have already mapped out a route in your neighborhood. Again, if you cannot make that timeframe work, they will probably skip your home.

The courtesy call is the best way to have an easy showing process. The agent calls an hour or two in advance. If you are flexible with your time, this is a great option for you. Appointments are also great for pet owners who need to get the pets out of the home before showings.

If you have any questions about today's video, or about real estate in general, give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have!

How to Make the Most of Your San Antonio Home Search

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Selling a home? Click here for a FREE Home Value Report

Many sellers rearrange their property or hire stagers to bring in great furniture and decor when showing their home. Because of this, it's very easy to confuse great decor for a great property. When buying, don't forget that you're buying the home, not the things in it!

It's important to look very closely at the home when you are viewing it. Look at things like the floor plan, the dimensions, and the upgrades to the actual property, not the decorations around the home. One strategy people use is cutting out a piece of paper the size of their couch, rolling it up, and laying it on the floor to see if their furniture will fit in the homes they're looking at.

Regardless of how beautiful the home looks on the inside, you are buying the house itself! You want to take a look at the exterior home and make sure there are no defects or things that will bother you once you settle in.

If you have any questions about the buying process or if you need real estate assistance of any kind, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to hear from you!

What's Happening with the San Antonio Real Estate Market?

Today, we'll give you an update on the San Antonio real estate market.

Right now, we are in a seller's market. There are about 8,500 homes on the market. That may sound like a lot, but it's actually a very low amount, especially when compared to the 14,000 homes on market in 2011.

In addition to having a significantly lower supply, there is also very high demand for homes in San Antonio. When that happens, home prices go up. If you were thinking of selling, now is a great time to do so!

However, it's a good time for buyers as well. Interest rates are still low, around 4.125%, and they are trending up. As the rates go up, your buying power will change, and you won't be able to afford higher-priced homes like you can now.

If you are interested in buying or selling, or in doing both, please give me a call or send me an email. I'd be happy to help you!